Other works

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Funerary stele
mid-sixth century b.C.
Circle of Giulio Clovio
Last Judgment 
(after Michelangelo)
Venetian artist of XVI century
Scene (after Tiziano)
Attributed to Marcello Venusti
Portrait of Michelangelo
Artemisia Gentileschi
The Inclination
Daniele da Volterra and Giambologna
Bust of Michelangelo

Giuliano Finelli
Portrait of Michelangelo Buonarroti the Younger
Giovanni di Francesco
Scenes from the life of Saint Nicholas of Bari
Jacopo Carucci called Pontormo (?)
Noli me tangere (after Michelangelo)
Cesare Zocchi
Te Boy Michelangelo Carving the Head of the Faun