Lecture Series The Drawings of Michelangelo (November 2024 – April 2025)

Given the interest shown by the public for the cycle of conferences organised by the Casa Buonarroti to highlight the most important sheets of its collection of Michelangelo’s drawings, it has been decided to continue with the appointments in the autumn and winter months of 2024 and 2025, offering the opportunity to get to know – through in-depth studies curated by specialists in Michelangelo’s figurative and architectural work – a further group of graphic masterpieces by the great artist.

The lectures will be in line with the project to refurbish the museum’s room dedicated to the temporary exhibition of drawings, completed in 2024 to complete the renovation of the layout and information system of the museum rooms housing works by Michelangelo, and with that of the new study room for the consultation of drawings and manuscripts from Buonarroti’s collections, currently underway. All the interventions aim to improve the psycho-physical conditions of the public during the visit or study sessions, and to favour the full enjoyment of the experience at every level. The refurbishment of the exhibition hall and study room is accompanied by a research and digitisation campaign, with the cards and images of the drawings being made available online.

The subject of the lectures will therefore be the drawings in the collection, presented in their uniqueness but also as an opportunity to delve into Michelangelo’s more complex projects and his relations with other artists, literati and patrons.

The initiative is part of the project Michelangelo’s Drawings. From research to reception (2024 – 2025), supported by Fondazione CR Firenze in the framework of the call for proposals for the Enhancement of Museums, Libraries and Archives – 2024.

The meetings will be held in the conference room of the Casa Buonarroti at 5 p.m. and will be open to the public up to the maximum capacity allowed by security regulations.