Round table Giorgio Vasari and the Medici between art and politics

On the occasion of the Celebrations for the 450th anniversary of the death of Cosimo I dei Medici and Giorgio Vasari, the Fondazione Casa Buonarroti is organising a round table on the theme Giorgio Vasari and the Medici between art and politics. Alessandro Cecchi, Federico Giglio and Laura Overpelt will discuss the topic, also in the light of the results of recent archival research that has made it possible to find copious unpublished documentation on the building site of Palazzo Vecchio, allowing a new and deeper look at the decorative cycles commissioned by Cosimo I and entrusted to Giorgio Vasari and his team of collaborators.
The round table will be introduced by Cristina Acidini.

The meeting will be held in Casa Buonarroti on 25 November 2024 at 5.00 p.m., and is open to the public up to the maximum capacity allowed by security regulations.